TEST 24 Hours



Dear Subscriber

Please read the following before placing the order

Note: After confirming the order, you will receive your subscription by email, within 5 hours (during working hours), but generally all subscriptions are sent within 2 hours of your order. Please check your spam folder if you cannot find the email.

    Please enter the MAC address of your device, EX: 5c:67:42:c9:dc:a4 To find the MAC address of your Smart TV just access the application on your Smart TV.

    Please enter the MAC address of your device, EX: 00:1A:72:c9:dc:a4.

    Please enter the code of your application, to find the code of your SS IPTV just access the SS IPTV settings and choose the General option. Then select the Get Code option.
    Please enter Device ID and Device Key of your Application. To find Device ID and Key of your Duplex just access the application and copy the Device ID and Device Key displayed.

Starter Access